Final Fantasy XIV RP
Meet and Greet

Hosting monthly meet-ups for all skill levels of RPer!Next meet-up location is
Balmung, North Shroud, Fallgourd Float!
February 25th, 6pm EST!
Roleplaying Resources
Focusing on where/how to find roleplay on the Crystal Data Center!

FFXIV RP Event Calendar, hosted by Erah'sae Zhwan@Balmung.
Lists all kinds of public events, venues, and more! Browse RP events or post your own. Available for all FFXIV data centers.FFXIV Roleplaying Discord, a hub discord for roleplayers to gather and connect. Be sure to check out their community and free company sections!
21+ FFXIV Roleplaying Discord, another hub for those who prefer people 21 or over.
This is not some sort of ERP hub (nor will you find any on this list)Party Finder in game. Check the 'other' tab and ignore Ruby selling feet pics (or don't, we're not here to judge.)
Tip: consider balancing public RP with private RP! Having both gets your character development and stops stagnation in RP circles!
Public Roleplay Spots

Mateus, Ul'dah - Steps of Nald, Adventurer's Guild
Contains your standard bar roleplay that can turn into adventures, friendship, or more (or less) depending on the effort put in.
Warning: Balmung, Ul'dah Adventurer's Guild is an ERP den. Check your server.
Balmung, Ul'dah - Steps of Thal, Pearl Lane
The Lane used to be for shadier roleplay but these days, it's more just an alleyway - but it's got roleplay! Also host to the Pearl Market that happens every other Monday!
Balmung, Ul'dah - Steps of Thal, The Gold Court
Considered a quieter part of Ul'dah and generally where people go to have more intimate conversations - or to dunk people into that center pool. 50/50.
Balmung, Central Thanalan, Fesca's Wash - "Grindstone"
Only on Saturdays at 8pm EST.
Not a persistent open world RP like the others listed, but it is the oldest RP event on the Crystal Data Center and a great way to begin learning the RP community.
Balmung, Central Thanalan, Gate of Thal - "The Bloodsands"
Partially self plug, fully just true. An area where fighters gather to test their mettle and crowds gather to converse. Also host to random events. Cough.
RP Meet and Greet
Balmung, North Shroud, Fallgourd Float!
February 25th, 6pm EST


All standard RP etiquette rules apply! No metagaming, no god-modding, IC =/= OOC, keep it PG-13, etc. If these terms are unfamiliar, no worries; check out RP basics here!
Come with the mentality of meeting someone new. Please avoid sticking in cliques and try branching out!
If you would like people to approach you because your character is offering something (organizing a game, selling items/services, etc) please put on the Green "Looking for Party" tag!
There is no need to contact anyone to ask. We're putting our faith in you.
Please limit /yell chat usage to once per 15 minutes (ish)

Gold "Looking to Meld" tag = open to walk-ups in RP!
Green "Looking for Party" tag = vendor of services/items or impromptu event organizer, inquire!
Roleplaying Basics
Basic terms and understandings utilized by the majority of the Final Fantasy XIV community on Crystal!

On Crystal, the majority of roleplayers roleplay with the understanding that you, the player behind the keyboard, are not your character, the avatar rendered on the screen!
It's easiest to think of it as you are a writer and you are portraying your character in this vast, open world as you collaboratively write a story.

Out of Character (OOC): Referring to anything that is not considered in the universe and part of a RP scene at the given moment.
People speaking OOC, aka the player saying something as opposed to their character in the RP, is generally denotated with brackets such as: (( hello!)), ( hello! ), [[ hello! ]], etc.In Character (IC): Referring to anything that is in a scene. You can generally tell someone is IC and therefore roleplaying if they have the golden 'RP' tag by their name, toggleable by typing /roleplaying.
ERP: Erotic roleplay.
Meta-Gaming: Taking OOC knowledge and bringing it IC. Just because someone's name is floating over their head in-game doesn't mean your character mystically knows it!
Godmodding: Also known as powergaming. This is when you dictate the consequences of your characters actions against another character, or make your character unreasonably powerful and thus expect them to win every battle.
As an example of how to avoid dictating consequences, instead of writing 'my character cuts the other character on the arm' try 'my character tries to cut the other character on the arm.' Click here for the basic RP fighting guidelines generally used by the public!Bleeding: This is when someone allows OOC and IC to mix. If a character is mean to your character, that does not mean the player behind that character dislikes you. If you dislike another player, you should not target their character with your character.
Not every RPer adheres to this etiquette, but it's a decent basis for beginners!

When in public, keep RP rated T. If it gets risque, seriously gory, or potentially triggering, consider taking it to DMs or party chat.
Note: FFXIV is a rated T game and RP is not 'protected.' Refusing to take sensitive/disturbing topics out of public could result in a report.Understand that Final Fantasy's lore is crazy at best. While in public, it's encouraged to stay within the lines as much as possible but no one likes lore policing.
It is generally unacceptable to play as a named NPC or as having close ties to a named NPC and being on a regular talking basis with them.
Notably exceptions include Edda Blackbosom. They're cool. I'll die on this hill.Before your character attacks another, it is generally considered good practice to contact the other player via DMs OOC to obtain their boundaries for character harm and how they would like to resolve the fight (through free forming, rolling using the /random feature, etc.) Most players will not consent to their character dying.
If losing a fight via rolls, please do not OOC complain about it every bad roll. This is less a community standard and more just a plea from me, your guide writer.
If you are not enjoying an RP or a particular interaction, you are encouraged and empowered to communicate that you do not want to take part and to step away from it.
Just because someone emotes attacking your character does not mean you have to accept it and you can simply say OOC that you do not wish to engage. Curate your space.Understand your character cannot always be the main character; share the lime light.
This is a hobby, first and foremost; please be respectful of others' time. This rule applies from everything to not disrupting an RP event by causing a commotion to understanding that someone's real life might mean they have to step away from an RP scene.